Decorative glue trap for catching flies on the window
- Non-toxic and odourless glue trap
- For application in all types of domestic rooms
- Flies are nearly invisible because of the high contrast sticker design
- Effective for 6 months each trap
Frischer, natürlicher Zedernholzduft für Kleiderschränke
- Zedernholzringe aus amerikanischem Red Cedar Holz
- Dezenter, natürlicher Duft
- Bewährtes Hausmittel gegen Kleidermotten
- Mottenabschreckende Wirkung des ätherischen Öls
- Für Kleiderschränke, Schubladen, Truhen oder Kleidersäcke
- Wirkdauer durch Abschleifen verlängerbar
Fängt Silberfischchen und Papierfischchen
- Fängt Silber- und Papierfischchen
- Monitorfalle zur Befallsermittlung
- Mit integriertem Spezial-Lockstoff
- Geruchlos, giftfrei und sofort einsatzbereit
- Für Badezimmer, Wohn-, Keller- und Vorratsräume
- Wirkdauer: 3 x 3 Monate
Duftende Säckchen zum Schutz vor Kleidermotten in Kleiderschränken
- Schützt Textilien vor Kleidermotten
- Mottenabwehr mit Zitronen-Eukalyptus-Duft
- Mit Aufhängehaken
- Für Kleiderschränke
- Wirkdauer: 3 x 3 Monate
Vertreibt Kleidermotten mit ätherischem Öl
- Schützt Textilien vor Kleidermotten
- Mottenabwehr mit Lanvendelduft
- Zum Aufhängen in Kleiderschränken
- Wirkdauer: 3 Monate
Schützt Textilien mit Lavendelduft vor Kleidermotten
- Vertreibt Motten mit äherischem Öl
- Mottenabwehr mit Lavendelduft
- Wirkdauer: 3 Monate
Schützt Textillien mit Lavendelduft vor Kleidermotten
- Vertreibt Motten mit ätherischem Öl
- Mottenabwehr mit Lavendelduft
- Mit optischer Verbrauchskontrolle
- Für Kleiderschränke
Leimfalle zur Befallsermittlung von Lebensmittelmotten
- Geruchlose Monitor-Pheromonfalle
- Mit Verklebungs- und Sichtschutz
- Je 8 Wochen wirksam
Motiv-Fliegenfalle Schmetterling
Dekorative Leimfalle zum Fangen von Fliegen am Fenster
- Klebefalle zum Fliegenfangen
- Giftfrei und geruchlos
- Dekoratives Schmetterlingsmotiv
- Je 6 Monate Anwendungsdauer
Non-toxic and odourless glue trap to catch flies and fruit flies in domestic situations
- Glue trap to catch flies and fruit flies
- Non-toxic and odourless
- Effective for 6 months
- For use in any room
Non-toxic and odourless glue trap to catch flies and fruit flies in domestic situations
- Glue trap to catch flies and fruit flies
- Non-toxic and odourless
- Effective for 6 months
- For use in any room
Glue trap made from natural products to control flies in domestic situations
- Non-toxic glue trap
- High tack
- For use in any room
Window Fly Killer – Butterfly*
Decorative, odourless window sticker treated with a bait to control flies in domestic situations
- Decorative window sticker treated with a bait for effective fly control
- No release of fumes or vapour into the air - Odourless
- Lasts up to 6 months
- For use in any room
Decorative, odourless window sticker treated with a bait to control flies in domestic situations
- Decorative window sticker treated with a bait for effective fly control
- No release of fumes or vapour into the air - Odourless
- Lasts up to 6 months
- For use in any room
Odourless fly bait with food attractant to control flies in domestic situations
- Fly Bait with food attractant for effective fly control at the window
- No release of fumes or vapour into the air - Odourless
- Lasts up to 6 months
- Discreet – nearly invisible!
- For use in any room
Effective control of fruit and vinegar flies
- Decorative glue trap with large catching area
- Effective up to 8 weeks
- For use in any room
Wiederverwendbarer Fangbehälter mit speziellem Trichter zum Fangen von Fruchtfliegen
- Fängt Frucht-, Obst- und Essigfliegen
- Speziell entwickelter Trichter
- Zum Befüllen mit überreifem Obst
- Standsicher und wiederverwendbar
- Auch als klassische Essigfalle verwendbar
Yellow Glue Trap for indoor and balcony plants
Non-toxic and ready-to-use glue trap for the control of harmful flying insects on indoor and balcony plants.
- Non-toxic, ready-to-use glue trap with special attractive colour
- For use on plants indoors, in conservatories and on balconies
- Clean handling
- For use in any room
For use against flies, mosquitoes, wasps, moths and spiders (washable)
- Provides long lasting and effective protection against flies, mosquitoes, wasps, moths and spiders
- Washable and reusable
- Barely visible
- For windows up to 130 x 150 cm
Fine-meshed door fly screen available in anthracite colour for French windows
- Provides long lasting and effective protection against flies, mosquitoes, wasps, moths and spiders indoors
- Barely visible
- For French windows
With flexible head, no marks left on the wall if used properly
- Robust fly swatter with a flexible head
Odourless glue trap with sexual attractant (pheromone)
- Odourless glue trap with sexual attractant (pheromone)
- Traps Indian Meal Moths
- For use in kitchens or other storage areas
- or use in any room
Immediate extermination of clothes moths, fur beetles and their larvae
- Kills immediately clothes moths, carpet beetles and their larvae
- Protects reliably from any new infestation
- With visual consumption monitor
- For use in any wardrobe
- Effective for 2 x 6 months
Pheromone trap to monitor infestations of clothes moths
- Pheromone trap to monitor infestations of clothes moths
- Effective for 3 months
- Non-toxic and odourless
- For use in every wardrobe
Effective control of clothes moths, carpet beetles and their larvae
- Effective control of clothes moths, carpet beetles and their larvae
- Prevents any new infestation for up to 6 months
- Odourless
- For use in any wardrobe
Pleasant fragrance for 3 months
- Pure lavender blossom from Provence
- 3 months of pleasant fragrance
- Proven home remedy to protect against clothes moths
- For use in wardrobes & drawers
Eliminates ant infestations completely and cleanly
- Eliminates effectively ants and formicaries in the house and on the terrace
- Odourless
- For use in any room
Safe and effective control of ants and ant colonies in and around the home
- Safe and effective control of ants and ant colonies in and around the home
- Water-soluble granules for spreading or pouring
- For outdoor use
Effective control of silverfish indoors
- Effective control of silverfish indoors
- Odourless
- For use in any room
Catches crawling insects, including silverfisch, cockroaches and woodlice
- Catches crawling insects, including cockroaches, woodlice and silverfish
- Non-toxic and odourless glue trap with a bait
- For bathrooms, living rooms, cellars and store rooms
- Each trap is effective for 6 months
Simple and safe way of removing ticks from both humans and animals
- For the simple and safe removal of ticks
- In the shape and size of a credit card - always with you
- Suitable for both humans and animals
Catches up to 10,000 flies
- Large trapping area
- Attracts and traps 10,000 flies and more
- Insecticide-free
- Effective against insecticide resistant flies
- For use in barns, stables, kennels and commercial premises
Special, non-toxic glue that will not dry out
- Highly attractive to pests
- Special, non-toxic glue that will not dry out
- Glue and panels permanently moisture-resistant
- Trapping area: 20,000 cm3
For fruit and ornamental trees
- Non-toxic tree glue band with 8.5 m fixing wire
- Protects fruit and ornamental trees from winter moths, ants and aphids
- Not harmful to beneficial insects and resistant to moisture
- Effective for 6 months
Reliable mechanical mouse trap made of wood and metal
- Durable, high-quality mechanical mouse trap made of wood and metal
- For use in all rooms
Award-winning products
Many of our products have been rated by Öko-Test, awarded the BLUE ANGEL environmental label, certified by Woolmark or are listed in the resource list for organic farming in Germany.