Motiv Fliegenfalle
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Fly Trap Window Sticker

  • Non-toxic and odourless glue trap
  • For application in all types of domestic rooms
  • Flies are nearly invisible because of the high contrast sticker design
  • Effective for 6 months each trap

Type of insect

Application time

Jan 01 Feb 02 Mar 03 Apr 04 May 05 Jun 06 Jul 07 Aug 08 Sep 09 Oct 10 Nov 11 Dec 12 13


Mode of action

The Aeroxon Fly Trap Window Sticker catches flies in all types of domestic rooms making use of fly’s natural behavior to be attracted by heat and light sources such as windows. The flies landing on the window sticker are trapped effectively by its glue-coated surface. May also be used to catch fruit flies when placed near areas of infestation (ex: fruit baskets). It is suitable for application in all types of domestic rooms, places of work and food service facilities.

Active Ingredient

Synthetic glue


1. Peel off the protective paper that is labeled with “1” from the backside of the trap (paper is split in two).

 2. Attach trap to the interior part of the window. The grey edge is on the bottom right side. Do not use on inclined skylights!

3. Slightly peel paper “2” off the grey edge before removing it with one quick movement. The trap is now activated.

4. The product is effective for at least one season (e.g. from April to September) or until the trap is covered with flies. Use one trap per window to achieve the best trapping results.  After 6 months of use, remove the trap from the window for its disposal.

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Aeroxon Fly Trap Window Sticker

More about Flies

Musca domestica

Flies not only bother humans and pets, but due to their habit of landing on food as well as on waste and faeces, they are also transporters of germs and parasites which can sometimes be dangerous…

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